Outlook also automatically formats meeting and task requests and messages with voting buttons so that these items can be sent intact across the Internet to other Outlook users, regardless of the default format of the message. Outlook automatically converts RTF formatted messages to HTML by default when you send them to an Internet recipient, so that the message formatting is maintained and attachments are received. RTF supports text formatting, including bullets, alignment, and linked objects. You can use RTF when sending messages within an organization that uses Microsoft Exchange however, we recommend that you use the HTML format. Microsoft Exchange Client versions 5.0 and 4.0 Outlook Rich Text format (RTF) This is a Microsoft format that only the following email applications support: It also doesn't support pictures that are displayed directly in the message body, although you can include the pictures as attachments. Plain text doesn't support bold, italic, colored fonts, or other text formatting. You can set Outlook to open messages that you receive in plain text format only. Plain text This is a format that all email applications support. So when you use HTML, you know that what you send is what the recipient will see. By default, when you select either of the options that allow formatting ( HTML or Rich Text), the message is sent in HTML format. It is also the best format to use when you want to create messages that are similar to traditional documents, with various fonts, colors, and bullet lists. HTML This is the default message format in Outlook. In that case, we recommend trying WPS Office, which includes WPS Spreadsheet, a powerful data management and analysis tool.Microsoft Outlook supports three message formats: If you're looking for a versatile and easy-to-use alternative to Microsoft Word. Whether you're using Word 2007, 2010, or 2016, or Online, you can easily remove page borders by following these methods. Removing page borders in Word can be quick and easy if you follow these step-by-step guides. From there, you can choose the "None" option under "Setting" to remove the border from that paragraph. If you only want to remove the border from a single paragraph in your Word document, select the paragraph and open the Borders and Shading dialog box. It will bring up the Borders and Shading dialog box, where you can select the "None" option under "Setting" to remove the border. One of the quickest ways to remove a page border in Word is to simply right-click on it and select "Borders and Shading" from the context menu. While the methods outlined in the previous sections are the most straightforward and reliable ways to remove page borders in Word, there are a few other ways to do it as well. How to Remove Page Borders in Word in Other Ways