Through Aries expression on the First and Seventh Rays, the Second Ray substance of the Sun has the opportunity to move from the realm of the Spirit/Will/Power down through all the lower planes. It is the "searchlight" of the Logos, seeking that which can be used "for divine expression" (1) This is the dim point of light found at the centre of the cycle of manifestation, faint and flickering. You may wish to refer to other articles on this site in order to review the properties and characteristics of each of the Seven Rays as this information will expand your understanding of the esoteric nature of the sunsigns. Let us now briefly examine the Sun and its Soul Level Purpose in each of the twelve signs. Yet a close examination of the Sun’s sign, and that sign’s exoteric and esoteric rulers, is very important.

The Sun always brings in the energy of the second ray, adding cohesion and creative potential to one’s life.

The Sun should always be looked upon as a vehicle for the energy and Ray of the Personality.